[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] [text* FirstName placeholder “First Name”] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [text* Surname placeholder “Surname”] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]
[tel* mobile minlength:10 placeholder “Phone number”]
[uacf7-col col:6]
[email* email placeholder “Your Email (required)”]
[text* installation_address placeholder “Address where stone is installed”]
[uacf7-col col:4]
[text* suburb placeholder “City / Town”]
[uacf7-col col:4]
[select* state “NSW” “VIC” “QLD” “NT” “ACT” “SA” “TAS” “WA”]
[/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:4] [text* postcode placeholder “Postcode”]
AC Stone® Supplied By
[select* supplier_category “Stone Fabricator” “Kitchen Company” “Builder” “Tiler” “Other”]
Business Name of AC Stone® Retailer
[text* Retailer placeholder “Business Name”]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]
Business Suburb
[text* retailer_suburb placeholder “Business Suburb”]
[uacf7-col col:6]
Installation Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
[date* installation_date _format_your-date “D, d M y”]
[uacf7-col col:4]
AC Stone® Product*
[uacf7_product_dropdown* AC_Stone_Product_1]
[uacf7-col col:4]
AC Stone® Batch Number* [text* AC_Stone_Product_1_batchnumber minlength:8 maxlength:10 placeholder “* The batch number is located at the back of your slab”]
[uacf7-col col:4]
AC Stone® Application*
[select* AC_Stone_Product_1_application “Kitchen Bench Top” “Kitchen Splash Back” “Kitchen Island Bench Top” “Internal Wall Cladding” “Bathroom Vanity Top” “Stairs / Flooring” “Other”]
[submit “Submit”]
Register your warranty – [FirstName] [Surname]
[email protected]
Warranty Registration Submission
My Contact Information
Name: [FirstName] [Surname]
Where AC Stone® is installed
Address: [installation_address] [suburb] [state] [postcode]
Mobile: [mobile]
Email: [email]
My AC Stone® Product Use Details
AC Stone® Supplied By: [supplier_category]
Business Name of AC Stone® Retailer: [Retailer]
Business Suburb: [retailer_suburb]
Installation Date (yyyy/mm/dd): [installation_date]
Stone Details
AC Stone® Color: [AC_Stone_Product_1]
AC Stone® Batch Number: [AC_Stone_Product_1_batchnumber]
AC Stone® Application: [AC_Stone_Product_1_application]
Thank you for registering your AC Stone 15 Limited Warranty. It may take some time to confirm the details and generate the warranty but we will be in contact within the week. Thank you for your understanding.
Reply-to: [email]
[_site_title] “[your-subject]”
Message Body:
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on [_site_title] ([_site_url])
Reply-To: [_site_admin_email]
Thank you for registering your AC Stone 15 Limited Warranty. It may take some time to confirm the details and generate the warranty but we will be in contact within the week. Thank you for your understanding.
There was an error submitting your warranty. Please try again later.
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There was an error trying to submit your warranty. Please try again later.
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There was an error uploading the file.
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background: white;